It happens every month. You feel the pull of the emotional roller coaster, the rush of hormones, the bloating, back pain and inflammation… For some, symptoms associated with menstruation are but a minor inconvenience. For others, they can be incapacitating. A 2012 study found that 84.1% of young women experience menstrual pain, and approximately 1 in 4 women require medication and/or experience absenteeism in coping with symptoms. (Journal of Pain Research)
Prevalence of menstrual pain in young women: what is dysmenorrhea? (
Finding a way to manage the menagerie of unpleasantries that can accompany moon cycles can make a big difference in quality of life and well-being. When you consider that 20 – 25% of a woman’s reproductive years are ruled by the innate intelligence and hormonal flux of the menstrual cycle, it’s best to embrace your inner goddess, and know your flow…

I was the woman you would find huddled in the fetal position underneath my desk, unable to focus on anything but the pain and cramping. When my search for remedy began, I was quite young, and went to the doctor, who prescribed me hormones and pharmaceuticals. Desperate for reprieve, I embraced these options and experienced a lot of side effects. Depression, weight gain, mood swings, fatigue and increased appetite were too high of a price for my body to pay for relief. Through that experience, I was driven to find natural solutions to alleviate the symptoms I most commonly experienced.
I wanted something that would help me with cramping, as that was a major issue for me. I also was looking for something to take the edge off the pain, reduce inflammation and help to balance estrogen. At the time, I was seeking to help myself and “tinkering” with formulas.
Years later, a cannabinoid known as Cannabidiol (CBD) became popular, and CBD products flooded the market. People began to market CBD suppositories as a treatment for relief of cramps. In suggesting suppositories to my clients, I always met resistance. They require proper storage, melt easily and are less discreet than other forms of administration.
I began combining cannabinoids with some of my herbal preparations. The synergistic effects of the cannabinoids, herbs, essential oils and botanical minerals truly empowered the formulations, and increased the efficacy of the final product. After years of experimentation, sharing products with other women, collecting feedback and reformulating, it is time to share this product with the greater collective.
Achelois is a revolutionary herbal elixir with full spectrum, water soluble hemp nanoemulsion for both internal and topical use. It has a particular affinity for menstrual cramping and can be beneficial to a wide range of conditions including menstrual cramps, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, fibroids, and PCOS. It is analgesic, anxiolytic, neuro-muscular and antispasmodic. Achelois contains active ingredients that truly nurture your body, mind and spirit while easing cramping, pain and inflammation.
Achelois can be used internally, and topically.
At the onset of PMS, oral administration is recommended. Suggest ¼ – ½ ml, 2 – 3 times per day. If using our spray top, 3 – 5 sprays taken 2 – 3 times per day is recommended. Hold the product under the tongue for 15 – 30 seconds before swallowing. When taken at this point in the moon cycle, our herbal nanoemulsion assists in balancing hormones and mood while minimizing the onset of pain and inflammation.
Once your cycle has begun, increase the dose to 1ml taken 2 – 3 times per day. If using our spray top, 7 – 10 sprays taken 2 – 3 times per day. This increased dose will help to minimize cramping, pain and inflammation.
Should you experience cramping, begin topical administration. Apply the spray topically to the affected area and massage the product until completely absorbed. Suggested topical use is ½ ml, or 3-5 sprays as needed for relief.
In the event of cramps, oral administration can also be increased. Suggest 1.5 ml, 3 – 4 times per day. The best practice is to start with the minimal dosage and increase as needed.
The influence of the moon impacts us all, and Achelois offers support and relief. Embrace the wisdom of nature and nurture your inner goddess!
With the flexibility to choose the form of administration and dosage that works best for you, the convenience and portability of a discreet bottle, and the efficacy that empowers you to feel better – this may very well be the perfect period product!.
Prevalence of menstrual pain in young women: what is dysmenorrhea?
Giovanni Grandi, Serena Ferrari, Anjeza Xholli, Marianna Cannoletta, Federica Palma, Cecilia Romani, Annibale Volpe, Angelo Cagnacci
J Pain Res. 2012; 5: 169–174. Published online 2012 Jun 20. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S3060